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What to Expect in an MBA in International Trade Program

Friday, August 25, 2017 | 12:00 AM

工商管理硕士学位是对你未来的一项合理投资. For those interested in working with international firms, an MBA in International Trade can provide you with the education you need.

What to Expect


  • Global Economies and Markets. 本课程将使你熟悉世界各地的经济和市场. 它将为你提供必要的背景信息,帮助你理解是什么让经济变得强大, where your product or service will fit, and how competitors can affect the market.
  • International Managerial Accounting. 并非每个国家对资产进行分类或采用相同的会计处理方式. 在国际市场上管理公司或品牌依赖于在交易之前确定这些相关细节. 国际贸易MBA课程的这种类型的课程提供了一个起点,有抱负的管理者需要开始充分探索这些问题.
  • International Commerce Law. 管理货物进出和在一国境内流动的法律在各地都是不同的. 要在国际贸易中成为一名有效的管理者,你必须了解这些差异.
  • Data Security. 在全球性企业中,全球的利益相关者共享数据. Knowing the types of breaches that can occur, as well as how to prevent them, is an important managerial skill. 因为其他专家会为你的数据设计安全协议, 国际贸易工商管理硕士学位可以帮助你在安全过程中与所有利益相关者沟通, both in your own country and beyond.
  • Global Business Strategy. Business strategies must address a global economy. What works in one country or geographic region may not work in another; the alliances that pave the way for business in one part of the world may hinder it in others. 为了有效地管理,你必须从全球的角度看待市场,把你的品牌看作是其中的一小部分. 你在在线MBA课程中获得的视角可以帮助你为自己的品牌制定战略,无论你在哪里运营,都能取得成功.
  • International Marketing. 国际市场营销课程是国际贸易MBA课程的重要组成部分. The best advertising speaks to cultural norms and trends. If you do not know these, or lack the knowledge and tools to discover them, you will not be able to mount a successful marketing campaign.

Learn about 德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德谷国际贸易在线MBA课程

Source: International Trade Administration (ITA)

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